Improve your Guest experience before, during and after their stay
Address changing times with relevant, empathetic digital marketing. Now Hotels must speak to guests with the right message, in the right tone, at the right time. The guest experience should be consistent on all channels and platforms like Email, WhatsApp, Search Engines, Social Media, Website, and Mobile App.
BookingWhizz “Hotel Marketing Solutions allow you to talk to guests individually and create a one-to-one relationship from their first reservation until they turn into loyal guests.”
Book a meeting with one of
our experts and see how BookingWhizz
can save you time, money, and generate
more reservations.
Speak to your guests with the right message, in
the right tone, at the right time
Be guest-centric and build a single, comprehensive view of each guest to power one-to-one journeys. BookingWhizz marketing hub empowers you to discover new segments, identify the likeliest guest to engage, and power predictive recommendations — All Automated.
Operate with ease, and leverage our pre-built templates, streamlined messaging flows, and mobile app to easily create and execute cross-channel campaigns.
Connect every interaction, integrate every touchpoint and experience with your hotel brand across advertising, marketing, commerce, sales, service, and apps.
Meet the complete set of Hotel marketing solutions
and tools, built on a unified platform
Do you know?
64% of Travelers say hotel should provide cutting-edge digital experiences to keep up with the competition
9.6% is the average increase in booking rates thanks to personalization only
10X more data harness with nearly no effort
Improve your Guest experience before, during
and after their stay from their first reservation
until they turn into loyal guests